Anna’s 9th Birthday – Part Trois
Today we held the third and last celebration of Anna turning 9 years old – this time for her female classmates, and a couple of school friends. Just like ‘last year‘, we invited them all to enjoy ice-skating for a couple of hours at the Ice Rink in Laugardalur. The event was mostly a success, except for one bad accident… ahemm.
Apparently one of the girls, ironically the only one to actually practice ice-skating and thus not wearing a helmet, fell over while goofing off with one of the metallic skating-aids. Neither Finnur nor I saw the accident or the injured girl because we were in the wrong place, but thankfully one of the other parents dropping off a kid phoned her parents that had just dropped her off, so they arrived quickly.
I remained utterly clueless until I happened to wander down to the rink-entrance area, where I spoke briefly to the family before they whisked her off to the hospital. There she was apparently diagnosed with a mild concussion from thumping her head on the ice, and a potentially broken nose from the metallic skate-aid. 🙁
Still, the party went on, and a seemingly good time was had by most if not all that remained. Some photos!