Thank goodness for small mercies, and functioning immune systems. Bjarki’s body apparently tackled whatever was bugging his throat last night, and he woke up feeling fine. To celebrate, I slept until noon. 🙂Read more
Thank goodness for small mercies, and functioning immune systems. Bjarki’s body apparently tackled whatever was bugging his throat last night, and he woke up feeling fine. To celebrate, I slept until noon. 🙂Read more
The status of my left leg has reached farcical proportions. I’ve now seen the physiotherapist three times, and every single time a new portion of my hip/thigh/knee has been in trouble. It’s like pain-whack-a-mole! The good news for today is that I’m not in pain when lying down (unlike yesterday) but the bad news is thatRead more
This Sunday started out super lazy. A little tooooo super lazy for my tastes, because I had grand plans to TIDY EVERYTHING (well, let Finnur TIDY EVERYTHING) but he really just wanted to have a quiet Sunday. As in, a “weekend”. Nesting really sucks when your left leg is out of order. And you’re grumpy.Read more
Today was essentially a ‘no-op’ day, in that very little happened except time passage. I guess there were a couple of highlights though: 1) Getting my left foot worked on by a physiotherapist, and 2) meeting someone unexpectedly at a restaurant while getting an early lunch after physio. So yeah. My left foot is inRead more
Today I was confronted with a bit of a Catch-22 situation. On the front page of a little local town-paper was an ad from a real-estate agency which I found to be unbelievably stupid and sexist. I contemplated just leaving it be, because I hate giving them the added attention, but in the end IRead more
This ‘waking up after five hours of sleep to answer nature’s call and being unable to fall asleep again until ten minutes before the alarm goes off’-thing is getting old really fast. But it’s ringing all sorts of ‘hey, remember the sleep-deprivation?’ bells. Yay. So yes, this morning was yet another one of ‘those’ mornings,Read more
Anna’s flirting with starting to practice handball with a few of her classmates. And no, this is not the spineless ‘American handball‘ but the sometimes insane-crazy ‘Team handball‘, which is a somewhat bizarre high-speed indoor amalgamation of basketball and football (soccer). Here’s a How To Play video, here’s an insight into the goalie position, here areRead more
I read in the paper this morning that one of the Icelandic women I got to know in California, Hekla Sigmundsdóttir, passed away last week. I knew that she had been sick for a long time, but little did I know that she’d been fighting cancer for 20 years. She was a private person, andRead more
This was yet another rather busy Monday. After the epic swelling on Friday and annoyingly-high blood-pressure measurements last night, I went to see the midwife today, mostly to pee in a cup. There was no trace of protein, and everything else looked the same as last time, which is good. And yes, according to theRead more
(Yes, even more fun stuff about swelling… sorry! My life is just that boring right now!) I realized somewhat sheepishly yesterday that I’d spent a lot of time on the sofa with a pillow or two under my knees, and not under my ankles – thereby not ‘elevating’ much of anything usefully. So I spentRead more
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