Easter Day 2016
[Photos from Easter Sunday 27 March 2016, posted online 31 March 2016. We just finished all the chocolate.]
Easter Sunday began unusually calmly, as the smaller two kids seemed happy to hang out in computer-land for most of the morning, or until the resident teenager woke up around 10 am. The kids then hid our eggs, we hid their eggs, and chocolate bunnies, and then we all overdosed on chocolate.
Around lunchtime we went to Finnur’s parents’ place to eat good food, enjoy good company, and play social whist. Bjarki participated in the whist for the first time, and handled it well, although he joined his grandparents near the bottom of the final score pile. Finnur was victorious though, just like last Easter!
Here, have some photos (33 images total) or if that’s not enough, HERE ARE ALL OF THEM.