[Photos taken 20 – 23 June 2022, posted online 18 February 2023. We have a thin stubborn layer of snow covering the ground, with a yet another storm predicted tomorrow.]
The incredibly busy weekend (hiking! e-biking! concert!) was followed by a rather busy week, as the hiking and e-biking groups finished their scheduled excursions of the season, back-to-back, of course!
But, I did manage to scrounge together enough brain-cells to give mom flowers on her birthday, and keep showing up to work! (60-ish images total)
Monday 20 June 2022
Us girls made a quick visit to mom to celebrate her 65th birthday! Woop, woop!
Emma wanted to play a posing-game on our way to the car.
Pointing at the pretty sky!
The roads were still in pretty bad shape from the previous winter. This road kept sprouting new holes!
Money-hungry Bjarki agreed to mow the grass, for a fee.
Anna tending to her plants.
Pretty skies, twenty minutes before midnight, closing up on summer solstice.
Tuesday 21 June 2022
A good way to start the day…?
Wednesday 22 June 2022
Me checking out the open compost container by Ikea, and finding it almost totally empty. I missed the announcement when they opened it. I still went ahead and scraped up some of it into buckets.
The cafeteria at work, always amazing.
This was the day we finally got a hold of a plumber to lay a new pipe to the kitchen sink.
The way to the kitchen was pretty straightforward, just through that wall.
Close to 7 pm I found myself with the hiking group for the last hike/walk of the season. The plan was to hike up Þorbjörn, the mount over the seaside town of Grindavík, but due to ongoing earthquakes, we walked along the coast instead.
This naughty horse had escaped his enclosure. Our guide, who lives in Grindavík, posted a notice on the town’s Facebook group, and the reply was “he got out again?”
Talking to the horse’s owner.
The sign only bans loose dogs though…
This coast-line has managed to wreck a lot of ships. The way into the harbor is apparently a tricky one, and if the weather is bad, accidents happen.
Some of the shipwrecks.
The road.
An actual wreck, a surprisingly long way from the sea.
Another one, with a line-man on the way.
Another one…
You can clearly see how far the “newest” (it’s pretty old) lava flow got.
Another big wreck.
Partially dug into the stones.
The sea, off in the deceptive distance.
Obligatory light-house.
Looking at a map…
… of strandings…!
The shipwrecks that the local search and rescue squad had assisted with. The Bjargað column is number of people saved, the Fórust is number of people dead.
The ruins of a lonely house up ahead.
Nice living room view.
Looking towards to where the most recent eruption was.
Maps are important.
Walking past a sheep sorting area.
The guide/owner then invited us to his home where we got waffles and drinks! Many thanks for the season!
Thursday 23 June 2022
The next afternoon I was back in the town of Grindavík, now to finish the e-biking-season!
The e-biking route. You can see the Blue Lagoon at the very top of the image. The excursion to the top left is to see the Bread Cave and where the ground oozes smoke.
The weather was pretty, but very windy. This is looking towards Grindavík from aside Þorbjörn.
Sheltering a bit before going further.
There is a forested area on the north side of mount Þorbjörn.
The area his highly geologically active, and we pump warm water from the ground.
That’s mount Þorbjörn in the background.
Instead of checking out the Bread-Cave for the third time, I scampered off to pee.
Not the friendliest of paths. I again managed to bust a tire!
Brother waiting on tire fix.
A few days prior, a nasty storm had hit, and the sea managed to peel the paving off a large part of this paved road. The machines up ahead were working to fix the road.
Back in Grindavík, this is the old church.
Info sign.
It’s a charming town.
Like the evening before, we then made our way to the home of the main guide/owner for waffles and drinks! Thanks for the e-biking season!