Yummy Toes and Looking Around

2013-06-24Uncategorized Standard

Emma’s rapidly expanding her bag of tricks.

Monday 24 June 2013

Toes are for gnawing.

Toes are yummy!

Smiling on command (sorta).

Smiling on command (sorta).

Tuesday 25 June 2013

It's hard to see from this angle, but Emma's pulling down on the yellow pole so hard that it's almost by her face!

It’s a little hard to see from this angle, but Emma’s pulling down on the yellow pole so hard that it’s almost by her face!  She’s also trying to grab Bjarki at the same time…

Thursday 27 June 2013

Officially starting to turn onto her side to see more of the world.

Officially starting to turn onto her side to see more of the world.

Staring at the world.

Staring at the world.


Jóhanna Elín

Hún er nú meiri dúllan hún Emma.