Grabby Hands

2013-06-19Uncategorized Standard

Emma’s been working hard on her hand/eye coordination.  She’s getting pretty good at grabbing things, although she’s still a bit flail-y.

I grab, therefore I am.

I grab, therefore I am.

Getting bigger!

Getting bigger!

Checking out some toys.

Checking out some toys.

I will eat you now!

I will eat you now!

Look, a smile! :)

Look, a smile! 🙂

Meanwhile, the computer addicted siblings were getting their daily fix.

Meanwhile, the computer addicted bigger siblings were getting their daily fix.

Rain, rain, here's more rain.  This summer has been 'unusually' wet, or to be more precise, this summer has reminded me of summers from my youth, when Reykjavík was all wet, and Akureyri was all sunshine.  It's been switched for the past, oh let's guess, seven years or so, so we're back to where things were.

Rain, rain, here’s more rain. This summer has been ‘unusually’ wet, or to be more precise, this summer has reminded me of the summers of my youth, when Reykjavík was all wet, and Akureyri in the north was all sunshine. It’s been switched for the past, oh let’s guess, seven years or so I’m told. The big question then is: Does this mean that the UK will finally get a good summer, meaning dad can quit complaining that Iceland’s stolen ‘his’ summer? 🙂



No, the weather here in the south east of England has been very cold and wet and still is !!


Huh, there goes that theory then!!


Ó mig auma hvað yngsta barnið er íðilfagurt! (stóru börnin líka bara ekki alveg sama gnýsta-tönnum-kreppa-fingur-næ-varla-andanum máta)
Regntímabilið hérna ákvað að standa við stóru orðin síðustu þrjá daga en fram að því hefur bara verið sól og steikjandi hiti. Nú rignir stanslaust og þvottafjallið orðið nánast óklífandi.


Awwww… Hér er skyndilega komin sól og blíða, alveg tvo daga í röð! Ekki spáð rigningu fyrr en á mánudaginn… Samt ekki mjög hlýtt, en maður kvartar ekki…!!