The Class Birthday Party (aka Anna’s 10th Birthday Party #2)
We again decided to host Anna’s class birthday party at a local ice skating rink (see 8th and 9th year skating parties).
This time we joined forces with another family, who’s girl also has a December birthday. This again worked out really well, in part because we (the two moms) both remembered to bring stuff the other had forgotten! So yes, I’m totally sold on this double-birthday concept! 🙂
Thankfully, Finnur’s parents could babysit Emma, so I only had Anna and Bjarki with me at the skating rink, and let me tell you, keeping track of two is easy! 😉
We arrived pretty late in the day (4 pm) and they’d already refreshed the ice so it was nice and smooth. The only downside was that they closed at 6 pm, so the skating ended pretty abruptly. (11 images total and two videos)