Hands in Various States
[Happened 13 OCTOBER 2014. Blogged 30 DECEMBER 2014. THIS IS NOT A RECENT OCCURRENCE!]
On Monday, 13 October, Finnur refused to let the kids bike to school because there was a layer of potentially slippery frost covering everything, and we still hadn’t switched any of our bikes to studded winter tires.
Being a fully grown adult, who makes good adult decisions, Finnur then decided to bike to work himself, on his summer tires.
Which went fine because the paths were mostly fine, except when all of a sudden they weren’t, and Finnur went flying off his bike, breaking a bone in his left hand. He managed to bike the rest of the way to work, but when the pain in his hand wouldn’t stop he took a taxi to the emergency room. They diagnosed him as having a double fracture, so he was put in a cast, but when he went back for reexamination the next week, it was downgraded to a single fracture, and a splint installed instead. (3 images total)