Biking to Work in Sub-optimal Weather
[This occurred on 10 Dec 2014, but is being blogged on 22 Feb 2015. Iceland is still getting storms.]
Finnur still quietly grinds his teeth at these images. I posted them on Facebook back in December, because I’d biked to work (on our motor-assist-bike) during a blizzard, and made it there in one piece. It made me look like quite the biking hero, but in reality, it wiped out my biking-stamina, and I think I’ve only biked into work twice since that day until today. It didn’t help that the trip took about half an hour, which is a bit much compared to the five minutes it takes to drive there. Also, the weather has been unpredictable and stormy all since December. Boo!
From Facebook:
So, I biked to work this morning in this lovely blizzard. It was part foolhardy, part fun, part nervewracking, but I made it in the end. Yes, Dear Husband offered to bike instead but it’s my week to bike, so I said no because I need to meet a quota of working hours, and chauffeuring the kids around shortens the work day significantly. Also, it turned out that if he had indeed biked, he probably would have gotten into trouble because the wind-direction would have been head-on for him, whereas it was all side-wind for me. Good times!
As much fun as this was, I’m still lobbying to buy a second car though. Half an hour of biking to work one way isn’t helping with the goal of accruing work hours!
So, on to my biker-hero images. (5 images and 1 video total)