Early February: In Sickness and in Health
[Photos from Wednesdays 10-17 February 2016, posted on 17 February 2016. It’s late though, might not make it.]
It’s been a slightly unusual week in casa del Fjallalind. We began with Ash Wednesday (sort of our Halloween), where photos were taken of the big siblings in costumes, but adorable little BuzzEmma Lightyear slipped past her daddy’s camera. On Thursday, both toilets needed fixing. On Friday was Emma’s 3rd birthday, which sadly ended with her getting a stomach bug.
On Saturday, Finnur had a big day and evening planned with some friends, so we’d arranged for sleepovers for both Emma and Bjarki. (Yes, Finnur’s parents, also known as The Saints, took Emma on with a dodgy stomach. Adda & co. also deserve applause for taking on a child from a stomach-bugged home.) Shortly after they left, Anna went to visit a friend, which left me all alone, yet again. And then my grandmother Hrefna called from our parking lot to see if we were home, and then I wasn’t alone anymore!
Sunday was a quiet day, but Monday saw Anna being sent home from school with a dodgy stomach. She never vomited, but came close a couple of times. She stayed home Tuesday, and today, Wednesday, Emma was sent home from daycare with a nasty persistent cough. Finnur took her to the health clinic, and although she does not appear to have pneumonia, she has ‘something’, so she’ll be taking zithromax (commonly given for the ‘walking pneumonia’ among other things) for the next couple of days.
On to some photos! (13 images total)