Day #2 in Sweden: Water/Play and Ship Museum
[Photos from 12 July 2016, posted online 21 July 2016. I did manage to sort through the photos every night during the trip. Makes writing faster.]
I suck at planning vacations. I never manage to plan what to do until we’ve actually arrived where we’re going, and even then, I can only decide what we’re doing on the day we’re supposed to be doing it.
I keep telling myself this is planning!Me trying to be on vacation, but still, I can never decide if this planless-ness makes things more relaxed or more stressful!?!
But, thank goodness for TripAdvisor, my bestest planning friend in the whole entire world when we’re traveling!
One neat thing I read on TripAdvisor, is that a lot of Stockholm tourists are there on day-trips via ferries, and that most of the ferries leave by 4 pm. Thus, we were advised to show up late in the day to do our thing.
This fit our schedule nicely. Every morning the younger kids would wake up stupidly early, eat breakfast, and then be glued to screens for some three hours, while one adult sacrificed themselves to watch/sleep over them. Then we’d eat lunch, and try to keep Bjarki from going right back to the computer. Getting out of the house took a long time, but then we’d drive to do stuff, and usually get back around six or seven, at which point Finnur would whip up some dinner. After a little playtime it was the time for bed, rinse, repeat. (38 images total)