Páll Óskar and Sinfó
I am extremely fortunate, in that I have a good friend who takes it upon herself to organize fun outings for her girl-friends, which is awesome on so many levels! About a month ago she sent out a notice that a fun concert was on the horizon, featuring Páll Óskar, who is one of the most beloved singers of Iceland, and the Icelandic Symphonic Orchestra (plus a four-piece regular band). She was kind/wily/persistent/quick enough to call and book tickets for us as soon as they began selling them, because the two shows (later four) sold out in a couple of hours.
Tonight was the night, and I walked over to the concert hall to meet them (5 mins walking). Right from the get-go it was obvious we were in for a treat, and we all walked out with smiles pasted on our faces. I must admit that Páll Óskar turns out to be a much better singer than I’d ever imagined (I haven’t really seen him perform live before, at least not in this capacity). He isn’t a fancy singer but he’s got a direct link between his heart and his lovely voice. He also happens to be flaming gay and boy oh boy did he have fun with his costumes! 🙂