Day #9 in Sweden: Tom Tits Experiment
[Photos from Tuesday 19 July 2016, posted online 9 August 2016. The adults are back at work. Goodbye summer vacation!]
On our last whole day, we opted to visit something called the Tom Tits Experiment. It’s essentially a science museum, and unfortunately shared a lot of things with the other science museum we’d just visited a few days before, so it felt less special than it could have. But there were also neat new things to see, and do, so it wasn’t a total loss. (24 images total)
Day #8 in Sweden: Google Office & Junibacken
[Photos from Monday 18 July 2016, posted online 7 August 2016. House finally painted and woodwork stained. Phew!]
Finnur had some business to attend to at the Stockholm Google office, so we all went there, and ate lunch.
Afterwards we decided to visit the Junibacken, a unique place where locales and characters from Swedish children’s books (many of which we’ve read) have been made real. It’s not big, but packed with stuff. (50 images total, some taken by Finnur)

We parked underneath the Google building, and had a little trouble finding the way out and up and back into it!
Day #7 in Sweden: Visiting Friends & Second Beach Trip
[Photos from Sunday 17 July 2016, posted online 4 August 2016. Two posts in one night? It’s really late…]
On this lovely Sunday, we went and visited our friends, Stina & Tommi. (Yes, this is the same Stina that Anna and I went to watch sing a few night earlier.)
Afterwards, we decided to try the ‘other’ beach in our town, and the kids had fun splashing around for a bit, while Finnur went grocery shopping. (23 images total)
Day #6 in Sweden: Relaxation & Mall of Scandinavia
[Photos from Saturday 16 July 2016, posted online 4 August 2016. Sitting on the sofa around midnight, and it’s dark outside, although the sky is still dark blue rather than black.]
After so many days of ‘doing stuff’, we tried to take it easy for one day. Since it was a weekend, I in particular feared crowds in Stockholm proper, so we just hung around the house for the most part.
Towards the end of the day, me and Anna took off to check out the Mall of Scandinavia, which was a 20 minute drive away from us.
Most of the images below are screenshots from Anna going on a snapchatting-spree! (11 images total)
Day #5 in Sweden: National Museum of Science and Technology (Tekniska Museet)
[Photos from Friday 15 July 2016, posted online 23 28 July 2016. At a cafe with the bestest Adda, who lets me be anti-social in peace, while our kids Pokemon! And uh, five days later, at another cafe, while the kids Pokemon.]
Bjarki really really really wanted to go back to the Tivoli, but we wanted to see something different. Evil parents!
After much searching, we found something that was not right next to the Tivoli (which is right next to the Vasa ship Museum), and off we went.
Our destination was the National Museum of Science and Technology, aka the Tekniska Museet. Unfortunately it took us too long to decide what to do, so we arrived really late. We could have stayed there for quite a bit longer, but oh well… (30 images total)
Day #4 in Sweden: Tivoli!
[Photos from Thursday 14 July 2016, posted online 22 July 2016. Back at the cafe downtown, while the kids are out walking and playing Pokemon Go!]
[UPDATE on 23 July: Added two photos of Finnur and Bjarki on a roller-coaster towards the bottom of the post.]
The kids began the day with a water battle, and then we drove back to town and visited the local Tivoli (amusement park). We ate a snack beforehand, and had dinner afterwards, which I believe represent the only proper restaurants we visited on the whole trip! (30 images total)
Day #3 in Sweden: The Beach and a Jazz Concert
[Photos from Wednesday 13 July 2016, posted online 22 July 2016. Holidays are nice.]
After our ship museum excursion the day before, we decided to have a quiet-ish day, and not drive anywhere far.
The highlights were me jogging to a nearby public beach, where Finnur and the kids met me. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t nice enough for us to hand around for long, but Bjarki gave it his best.
In the evening, I took Anna on an adventure trip into Stockholm, via a drive to a nearby train-station, and a 30 minute train-trip, to see a friend of mine, Stina, sing jazz in a converted vine-cellar of a bar! Good stuff! (17 images total, 1 video)

My friend, Stina, singing jazz, with pianist, Anna Gréta, and the house base player. Stina and Anna Greta form the duo 23/8.
Day #2 in Sweden: Water/Play and Ship Museum
[Photos from 12 July 2016, posted online 21 July 2016. I did manage to sort through the photos every night during the trip. Makes writing faster.]
I suck at planning vacations. I never manage to plan what to do until we’ve actually arrived where we’re going, and even then, I can only decide what we’re doing on the day we’re supposed to be doing it.
I keep telling myself this is planning!Me trying to be on vacation, but still, I can never decide if this planless-ness makes things more relaxed or more stressful!?!
But, thank goodness for TripAdvisor, my bestest planning friend in the whole entire world when we’re traveling!
One neat thing I read on TripAdvisor, is that a lot of Stockholm tourists are there on day-trips via ferries, and that most of the ferries leave by 4 pm. Thus, we were advised to show up late in the day to do our thing.
This fit our schedule nicely. Every morning the younger kids would wake up stupidly early, eat breakfast, and then be glued to screens for some three hours, while one adult sacrificed themselves to watch/sleep over them. Then we’d eat lunch, and try to keep Bjarki from going right back to the computer. Getting out of the house took a long time, but then we’d drive to do stuff, and usually get back around six or seven, at which point Finnur would whip up some dinner. After a little playtime it was the time for bed, rinse, repeat. (38 images total)
Day #1 in Sweden: Traveling and Evening Walk
[Photos from 11 July 2016, posted online 21 July 2016. Coffee houses are awesome!]
This summer we were looking for a change of scenery for the entire family, where it wasn’t too hot, and the flight-time reasonable. Since I’d never been to Sweden, Stockholm it was!
We rented a house on airbnb that looked kid-friendly, which it was. The only drawback was that I hadn’t realized that pretty much all the things-to-to were located on the far side of Stockholm, so we ended up driving the same road-with-a-thousand-round-abouts So. Many. Times.
Still, we had a lovely time, and just returned yesterday after hanging out there for ten days. I guess now it’s time to blog! (10 images total)
Horse Camp Helper
[Photos from Monday 04 to Friday 08 July 2016, posted online 26 August 2016. It weirdly warm outside still. ]
Anna was all sad because after two weeks at horse camp in June, there weren’t going to be any more horses until August. (Ah yes, such a hard life. Princess life problems!)
Anyway, towards the end of the June horse-stint, I approached the very friendly lady who runs the whole madhouse, and what came out of my mouth was “Uh… can Anna come, and just hang around the horses, and maybe help out for a bit at some point? Just, uh, instead of lying in bed all day with her tablet?” She got an affirmative for the first week of July, and it went pretty well, all though it was pretty tiring work, and very little horse riding happened. (15 images total)
Monday 4 July 2016
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