Sunday March 20th 2005
The Girls!
I met “The Girls” tonight for a sewing club (minus the sewing as usual) and had a great time! 🙂 Anna stayed with my mom and my brothers and did ok, except that she utterly refused to fall asleep when she got tired, so I had to come and pick her up. She’d thrown her pacifier down between the bed and the wall, and also banged a Spot book on her granny’s head! Kinda funny that!
She totally fell asleep on the way home and stayed asleep all the way to bed, after I put her in her jammies and all! Then started the marathon picture session, finishing up last week so the conformation could go online. It’s kinda convenient that Finnur’s 8 hours behind me, so it’s just Sunday afternoon for him. Anyway, after fighting Picasa and then Photoshop (this computer is slooooow) the pictures are finally done, and I’m going to bed! From now on I’m just using my brother’s computer to do pictures, it’s oh-so-much faster!
(The big problem here is the sorting out of bad pictures. I couldn’t find a viewer that works fast on this computer but ended up using Picasa 2 which kinda did the job. What I really needed was the Windows Fax and Picture Viewer from Windows XP. But nooo… This computer is Win 2000… Grumble!)