Saturday December 31st 2005
Gleðilegt nýtt ár!!/Happy new year!!
Óskum öllum gleðilegs nýs árs, og þökkum fyrir það gamla! 🙂 Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur sem flest á nýju ári.! 🙂
We wish you all a happy new year, and give thanks for past times! 🙂 We look forward to see you all next year! 🙂
In other news… Anna was sick from Wednesday to Friday, vomiting once per day and feeling rather poor. We can’t decide if this is because of a stomach bug that’s been making the rounds, or because two of her molars have been on the move. She’s still not quite herself (more whiney) but has been doing quite well today.
Because of this we haven’t been out and about much, but on Thursday Finnur made it to a family gathering and I later went to celebrate the 30th birthday of an old girlfriend. Last night Finnur’s closest family went all out and played games until 3am at his sisters’ place, but I stayed home with Anna and called my cousin Ríkey in for reinforcements. We all ended up having a good time, and boy oh boy is it fun to just sit and chat for hours and hours… 🙂
But now it’s time to put on some fancy clothes, and a “face” (makeup), pack extra clothes for Anna, and go to my father-in-law’s brother’s place for some yummy food and bonfire. Then I think I’ll take Anna to my grandmother’s and watch the city explode into the new year. Ahhh, fireworks! 🙂
P.s. I’ve just posted the last “picture-page” under the 2005 heading (TKP2 Party), tomorrow we’ll start the 2006 chapter, but I thought I’d share with you some numbers. This 2005 chapter (which will forever be under the foldername 2004b) contained 190 pages and about 3780 pictures. That comes to a page every two days, and more than 10 pictures per day. We also just broke the 10.000 pictures taken on our digital camera that we got in April. Sheer insanity! 🙂 But also a lot of fun! 🙂