Dumbo Magic Feather Acquired
So, I met with the midwife early this morning, and we agreed that it was time to try some blood pressure lowering medication. I got an appointment with a GP a couple of hours later (midwives can’t write prescriptions) and now I’ll be taking one pill per day for a few days before my next appointment on Monday. I’m hoping it’s going to as effective as Dumbo’s magic feather. 🙂
(A little socialistic side note: All maternity care is free in Iceland, except for the 12 week scan, so all these appointments aren’t costing me a thing.)
Pills in hand, kids in school and daycare (FINALLY!), I kidnapped Finnur and we went on a store hopping trip to replace our kitchen faucet. Our current one has been getting on my functional nerves and it was decided that our yuletide gift to the house was a new faucet – except Finnur doesn’t entirely trust me when it comes to buying stuff… I apparently tend to take function over form sometimes – so he insisted to be in on the decision.
Four stores later plus lunch we’d picked out a faucet, and Finnur shuttled me home for some sofa lounging.
Since there’s never a dull moment with us, he then went and helped my brother Pétur move his family’s stuff into (hopefully) short-term storage. They were supposed to get the keys to a new student apartment today but the guy occupying the apartment apparently emailed the office yesterday 45 minutes before he was to hand over the keys and claimed he was refusing to move!!! It now looks like the idiot douche-bag will be moving in with his sister before too long, but until then the housing authority has issued them a storage room, and they’ll be moving in with mom until the situation resolves itself.