Shuffling Around, Old-Lady Style
This post is just to remind myself NOT to go on multiple-hour-long shopping trips in the next few months. After spending about 4 hours on my feet last Thursday, a rather central part of my body (the front-most part of my pelvis) staged a mutiny, and now I’m walking around slowly like an old lady in an effort to smooth things down and avoid being in acute pain for the remainder of this pregnancy. I’m also trying to unlearn crossing my feet when I sit down, and remembering to put equal weight on both feet when standing.
Yes, walking is (potentially) evil. Don’t do it! For long!! When pregnant!!!
P.s. The only ‘good’ thing to come out of this is that my midwife told me that I should not vacuum or wash the floor. Apparently those two activities are the worst of the household chores vs. pelvis.