Still Here
So yeah, it’s almost been a month and no new updates. I guess I went on a blogging-vacation without notifying anybody. Ooops!
I was just thinking today though that I find it ridiculously hard to do ‘creative’ work when the kids are home all day. Something about them buzzing about in the near-vicinity just eats up my brain, and they should count themselves lucky they still get to eat at semi-regular intervals!
Today’s big event was Bjarki’s return to daycare after a five week break (!!!). Admittedly, the first week was because we went north on holiday, but for the remaining four daycare was actually CLOSED. Yes, the government forces parents to deal with their kids one-on-one for one whole month out of each year. I guess it’s good for everybody, but by golly, was I glad to drop him off today. 🙂
Anna is still on the loose though, school doesn’t start until 22 August. I may sign her up for some camp or other next week, but haven’t made up my mind yet. It’s kind of nice not having to worry about making snack for her or making sure she’s somewhere at some particular time.
Finnur’s also back to work, but I’m formally on a Unpaid Leave of Absence from my job as of 1 August which means that I will be resuming my To Do list which got aborted as soon as daycare closed. On that To Do list is ‘blogging – with pictures’. 🙂