The school year has just begun, and this time I’m trying something new. It’s not new for most ‘big’ universities, but it is for me. Yup, this morning I arrived to class armed with a microphone and a pen-tablet, and recorded the lecture for posterity. What was recorded was my voice (and what could be heard from the students) and the desktop, where I used my rickety-old pen-table (mouse-tablet? one of those wacom things which we bought when my hands first started acting up and I could hardly use a mouse) to fill in the power point slides with really really bad writing.
The big change for me was not walking around so much, and also not having whiteboard-pen leftovers on my hands. The big change for students will be getting their hands on filled-out power-point slides. Will this be the end of everything? Will the students stop showing up? Who knows!?!? It’s at least a little different for me, and that’s always fun. Also, it slows me down, because I can only write so fast with the pen-mouse-thingy.