Easter 2024

2024-03-31Easter, Finnur's family, Us Standard

[Photos taken 31 March 2024, posted online 19 August 2024. This might be a week without rain!?! Fittingly, the big kids start school today.]

We arrived back from Sweden in time for a very traditional Easter Sunday. Chocolate eggs were hidden at home, before we headed over to my in-laws for an Easter feast and social whist.

Easter Sunday 31 March 2024

Siblings with their chocolate eggs.
Finnur creating a last-minute treasure-hunt for Emma’s egg.
Anna’s seedlings poking their heads out of the earth.
Emma’s confused face.
Found the clue!
The birds wanted their food.
It took a while, but all the eggs were located in the end.
One of the eggs in pieces. These usually disappear in a day or two.
Another egg in pieces, and all of the treasure-hunt clues. The trend has been to specialize the eggs, now they are themed by a type of candy.
Emma with her saying: “Steinn prófar gull, en gull menn” or “Stone tests gold, but gold tests men.” Bjarki got “Oft er vitur maður seinn til svars” or “Often a wise man answers late.” Anna got: “Þeir fiska sem róa” or “Those fish that row.” Finnur got: “Bregður barni til ættar” or “A child resembles the family.” I got: “Mikið vill meira” or “Much wants more.”
Tending to the seedlings before heading out for the Easter feast. Note that the patio-couch was still inside…
The car was covered in silt of some sort. Lovely.
Finnur’s parents’ in their Easter-best.
Wooden tulips to remind us it was supposedly spring.
The traveling social-whist cup.
A grand-dad and grand-daughter.
More spring reminders.
The living room filling up.
Our very old plastic eggs from the US filled with candy, as well as small chocolate eggs for the adults.
Easter lamb.
More flowers. Are you feeling spring-y yet?
Proof I was there.
Meat being cut.
First cousins.
A few chillin’ hens.
Younger sisters digesting.
Three tables of social-whist.
The fourth table.
Desert time!
Filling in the social-whist tournament log-book.
The matriarch.
The social-whist tournament winners!!
The winning scores!
Heading home after good day.