Lava-Looking, Tidying & Filling House #2
[Photos taken 23 – 27 June 2021, posted online 12 September 2021. The remnants of hurricane Larry are visiting Iceland.]
I’d been waiting for the weather to be nice enough to warrant a walk to the active volcano eruption, and finally the conditions lined up nicely, weather-and-wind-wise. Bjarki and Anna decided to join me, we ate a fast-food hamburger dinner, and then drove about 40 minutes to the parking lot by the main walking path.
There was no fresh lava flowing, but we enjoyed walking alongside the newly hardened lava, spotting one hole into a red-hot furnace, and had ourselves a small picnic.
The first two weeks of Emma’s horse riding school came to a close with a “show”, Bjarki departed on a two-night gymnastics trip, home-tidying commenced as birthday-celebrations loomed, and we hosted Finnur’s family (adults only) at house #2. (55-ish images total)