Haircut, Dresses, and an Idyllic Evening
[Photos from Friday 3 June 2016, posted online 9 June 2016. Sick for the past couple of days.]
This Friday was a weird one, mostly because it stayed warm-ish and idyllic far into the evening.
Most of the happenings happened after work. Finnur’s parents’ picked Emma up from daycare, so I could have 30 minutes to go dress-shopping with Bjarki as my fashion consultant. We then zoomed on over to the hair salon, where Bjarki got a haircut, and then more zooming happened to pick Emma up. I believe we took the easy way out and had store-bought sushi for dinner…
We spent the evening mostly outside, and getting the kids (Emma in particular) to go back into the house, was no easy task. (Finnur was still in California.) (8 images total)
(P.s. Anna had taken off earlier in the day with a friend + her family to go camping out in the country over the weekend!)