[Photos taken 09-17 October 2025, posted online 15 February 2025. Daylight keeps increasing every day, it is still bright outside until almost dinner…!]
The job market was pretty sad, so all I could do was just keep my eyes open. Meanwhile I kept busy doing various things at home, and elsewhere. I also managed to go out on walks to enjoy the autumn colors during Emma’s weekly music theory class, and had good sessions at the gym.
We woke up one morning to a bit of snow on the ground, which was ominous, but not unexpected.
Wednesday 09 October 2024
Late-fall foliage on a walk while Emma attended a music theory class.
A house and reddish shrub at the start of my little walk.
Nature attempting to carpet the paved ground.
Nordic color vibes.
A lonely tree.
The lake was peaceful.
By the lake-making-dam.
Clear water being clear.
I wonder what this little puddle is for…
Autumn colors.
Time to practice my long-jump “skills”.
Birds enjoying the slightly warmed pond (it gets the runoff water from the buildings above it, I think.)
This tree had some trauma.
There was more knitting!
Thursday 10 October 2024
A sprinkling of snow in the early morning… and so it begins?
The peas got a super late start, and didn’t really start growing until we hid them under the balcony so they were less drenched in the endless rain. Thus, we had peas in October?!
The rest of the backyard.
The snow didn’t stay long… this was a couple of hours later.
I went ahead and put out some sunflower seeds for the birds.
Fully stocked?
I was successful in clearing out a pile of junk that had accumulated and grown roots right there on the floor after some construction work (the garbage bin shed).
Starting to knit the lower hem of the sweater!
Friday 11 October 2024
The snow-status the morning after…
More fall colors on the way to the elementary school for a parent-teacher-meeting.
Very pretty!
Another carpeting attempt.
Flower remains.
Mango in a cup, so nice!
Friday gym program, very leggy!
Made the mistake of sitting down in the changing room, and there was just no standing up again for a while. Legs so done for!
Outside the gym, people were walking to the soccer “stadium” to watch the national team play and draw against Wales in the Nations League.
Fancy head-gear!
Anna’s assignment due-dates during the last few weeks of the 12 week-seminars.
Waiting for dinner to be ready at the local Indian-take-away-place.
Well scary!
Main part done!
Saturday 12 October 2024
A 6 kg kettle-bell came out to play. I recommend this exercise for everybody, My wrists shook like leaves to begin with while pushing up 6 kg bells, but now I can manage 12 kg bells upside-down.
A berry-full shrub.
I finally managed to wrangle Finnur into helping me clear out this messy pile of stuff.
Trailer belonging to Finnur’s dad, so very useful.
What remained (there’s proper gravel on that blue tarp.)
Anna requested the first floor do school-work with friends so we invited ourselves to dinner with friends!
This coziness is hard to beat.
The zoomies setting in at home as the clock struck midnight.
Sunday 13 October 2024
Emma’s feet had grown a size so we could no longer buy her shoes locally. I had to order the next size up from the US.
Action-shot of Finnur mid-frisbee-golf-(folf)-throw.
The wide area.
The tight area.
Nearing the end.
Me and Emma were also there (and a friend of Emma’s).
The parking lot is a weirdly barren wasteland.
A horse-trail goes by it.
Mid-folf, this bro sent out a request for help to install some laundry-lines. His drill had broken and stuff was not working, so I brought our drill-case.
Installing a fancy line-box.
The hooks on the other wall getting screwed in with the sideways-screwdriver-trick.
Monday 14 October 2024
Much to my joy, somebody had decided to resurface a large part of the parking lot next to my favorite cafe. It had been a pothole-y disaster for many winters.
I found myself in Ikea, and was a little shocked to see the Christmas stuff was already up!
Emma had reminded me that she had long since outgrown her chair.
Feel festive! Now!
The goat was up!
The day ended with a sewing club, yum!
Tuesday 15 October 2024
My Ikea trip was the first step in making an open closet that houses the linens. They kept smelling stale, as the door was very rarely open, so my plan was to take the door off and install drawers instead.
Another music-theory walk.
Action in the valley.
Geese departing to wait out the winter further south.
The new bridge almost ready.
A sneaky path.
Very not-sneaky path.
Birds hoping for food, but alas, I had none.
Trying out having shirts in an open closet, and a black drawer. It was not the way to go.
Wednesday 16 October 2024
Visiting a yarn store to be tempted.
Fresh fruit box, yay!
Another gym day, quite handsy!
Was pleased with dumbbell bench-pressing with 2 x 27.5 kg weights! The bigger numbers are the guys.
Thursday 17 October 2024
Met a friend for lunch, and we agreed that I could come play with some very exciting data to keep my brain from coagulating from intellectual boredom.