[Photos taken 01 – 07 October 2024, posted online 01 February 2025. Life’s been busy, but maybe it’s settling down now for a bit…? I started a new job on 07 January!]
The job market in Iceland was rather sad and slow, so I kept being unemployed. Life kept on happening though, and I never managed to get bored. There were always more things to do!
Cases in point: doctor’s appointments, a lunch-seminar, knitting, gymming, celebrating 25 years since finishing EE undergrad, a visit to the summer house, gaming, and going through old crap.
Tuesday 01 October 2024
Downtown-ish with Emma to visit her orthodontist.
Still some flowers blooming in October.
Cute little sculpture in the waiting area.
Here we goooo…
At the second doctor’s visit that day. The magazine in that waiting room was set to an ad about head-stones (for dead people). Uplifting!
Still bright at 7 pm, but muggy.
Autumn colors sneaking in.
It would soon be time to learn how to splice together yarn ends!
Wednesday 02 October 2024
Attending another lunch-seminar-series hosted by Ský in Harpa.
The lunch buffet table.
Light lunch with a view!
The talk schedule.
The talks were AI-themed, and the slides were light on text until a lawyer stepped up and drowned us with words!
Newest fruit delivery, yum!
Thursday 03 October 2024
Unemployment means attending the gym is the best way to spend a few afternoon-hours.
The ID.3 had just gotten a massive software update at the shop, and I spent the day fighting with it to get the phone-app working. But, I got there in the end!
Sweater coming along nicely, but at the same time I was realizing it wasn’t really something I’d ever wear. Time to find a willing recipient!.
Friday 04 October 2024
Passport-renewal time! These days you can thankfully fill out the paperwork and pay online, but you have to show up in person to prove it’s you and get your photo taken.
Outside the main University of Iceland building with two friends from EE undergrad.
One of the main organizers in the EE-group got the fun idea to celebrate our 25 year graduation anniversary by meeting the president of the university, who taught us when we were wee little EE-students. We were on the university calendar!
Attendance was high!
Flowers exchanged hands.
An ornate clock.
At 7 pm our time was up, and our table in the Student-basement awaited us.
A group photo taken before we said our goodbyes (taken from the University’s Facebook page).
Lovely view from the steps.
The “Student-basement” used to be in a different building altogether.
It’s truly in the basement!
We raised the mean age considerably.
A good time was had by all!
Three offspring, who are all current students at the university, even stopped by to say hi!
Saturday 05 October 2024
Friends and Finnur had already arrived at the summer house, so I packed the car to join them. Various tools were requested!
I was also given the task of procuring turkey for dinner. The only turkey I found was frozen solid…
To thaw it I repackaged the turkey into zip-lock bags, and put them in a container (an upside-down cake-transporter!) with warm water. To minimize spillage I put a stone on top of the lid/bottom.
Emergency late-lunch at Subway on the way out of town.
The spillage after 75 minutes of driving. I thought it went pretty well!
Damnit, old age! &”%!!
I still don’t really know how to play this character in Gloomhaven… but I tried!
Some people have 3D printers, and are not afraid to use them!
Sun-setting around 07:30 in the evening. Sigh.
Turkey successfully cooked and consumed!
Finnur’s new love burning bright.
Sunday 06 October 2024
Trying again to conquer a level in Gloomhaven after failing miserably the night before. This time I think we were successful!
Heading out. The grass never got mowed, as I decided I had better things to do with my energy than mowing lawns, and it would also make the bees happier.
One last look at the mountains at 5 in the afternoon, before driving away.
Stopped at roadworks, where only one-lane was open, and lights controlling access.
Emma’s been working had on her piano-skills this winter.
Monday 07 October 2024
Yet another stash of pens found, and the bad ones thrown away.
I decided none of the kids would be using these, as they’d outgrown them, so I passed them down to younger kids in the family.
No sooner had I emptied the floor of the garage to the recycling center, than another pile built up. I feel like I’m stuck in a psychotic vortex!
For a short while I sort of enjoyed listening to (probably AI-generated) music on AI-decorated channels on YouTube. Can you tell this is from October?