[Photos taken 01 – 06 April 2024, posted online 23 August 2024. The elementary school doled out the schedule today, and the weather played along with blustery chilly autumn winds.]
After the last of my siblings moved out from mom’s place, a lot of space opened up, and the opportunity to deep-clean in “peace and quiet” before mom returned from Sweden was too good to pass up. (Mom’s health isn’t quite up to deep-cleaning any more, and she’s done more than her share of cleaning in life so far!)
My sister-in-law and myself showed up, ready to remove some dust-bunnies, and move some furniture, leaving the children with their fathers. (For jobs like this, it’s easier just to get on with things, rather than rope other people into it, if they need to be instructed what to do. Instructions take mental energy!!)
Aside from getting dusty, there was a birthday party, gymming, my workplace decided to move the offices to a new building, a Sarah Millican show, picking mom up from the airport, and dinner with friends!
Second Day of Easter – Monday 01 April 2024
The big event of the month was the last of my brothers moving out of her apartment. Here he is with what he thought/hoped was the remainder of his stuff.
With mom arriving a few days later from Sweden, my sister-in-law and myself decided to get to work doing some much needed deep-cleaning, now that a lot of stuff had been moved out. My brother has many talents, but deep-cleaning isn’t one of them.
The big sorting of decades’ worth of hangers of many shapes and materials in progress!
I may or may not have taken a shower to get rid of some dust, but then it was time for a birthday party!
Artwork by a local artist, depicting the overwhelm of daily life. The speech bubble says: “I even went to university.” I felt this deep in my soul when it came out.
The coin-counting-machine is only open between 10 and 16 on weekdays!
Better go give the car a spring-cleaning instead.
Tuesday 02 April 2024
Starting the day at the gym helps the mental health! Especially as I’d resigned the month before, and imminent changes and unknowns are hard!
Dinner-making in progress.
Wednesday 03 April 2024
Outside was looking spring-y at 8 am. All the bird food that had dropped into the snow was still on the ground, but they would clear that up as days went by.
No sooner had the contractors finished building the apartment block by my workplace, that they started digging a new hole for a new big building straight in front of it. So glad to not live there.
My company made the decision to move from the “Heart-building” to the ex-“Deloitte-tower” that I look at from my bedroom window.
The cantina almost empty.
Post-gym-class I went downtown to grab dinner at a “food-hall” (unexpectedly fancy fish!) before hauling ass over to mom’s apartment to keep cleaning with my sister-in-law.
This was once my bedroom, more than three decades ago!
Looking tidy. The lower drawers were all full of towels, from three decades of inhabitants, as well from a few older women who apparently like gifting their good towels to friends before leaving this mortal realm? We agreed to deal with the towels at a later date.
Stuff set for export. Darling freshly-moved-brother would have to do the honors, because we are not full-time-saints.
Thursday 04 April 2024
Anna’s baby plants doing well. The living room table full of random crap as usual.
Movers kept moving stuff between buildings at work. Two of the floors were cleared out quickly, a few moved down to the first floor with us, but others went to the tower.
As few co-workers remained in our building, we got access to the cantina next door, belonging to Air Atlanta. It’s a sneaky Icelandic charter airline that does quite well, but does not offer passenger flights to/from Iceland under its own name.
So nice to be rid of pre-packaged food in containers.
There’s lots of airline stuff there.
Getting mom’s coins counted.
Friday 05 April 2024
Modern day art-setup, much like the fruit-bowls of yesteryear.
The view from our new office space. It was still being readied for us.
Brother doing his duty, fetching all the stuff set for export in his old apartment. Moving out is hard work!!
Getting mom’s fridge stocked.
Then it was time to go see the comedian Sarah Millican in action! This time is was the Late Bloomer show!
The show was sold out, and I think they even added a second one!? It was great fun as usual! 🙂
There were a few people in attendance. Unfortunately, the blinds in the room didn’t work after the crypto-attack in a few weeks prior, so the sun shone mercilessly inside.
The sunlight made seeing the presentations really hard, so I decided to disappear in one of the breaks.
Waiting at the airport for mom to arrive from Sweden. The arrival parking lot is under construction, so I try to avoid it like the plague.
Success! Mom in her living room.
A little bit later I was back by the airport to have dinner with friends!