Partial Eclipse / Ego-Lifting / Fireplace Arrives

2024-04-07Us Standard

[Photos taken 07 – 12 April 2024, posted online 24 August 2024. Last night the wind howled, and it felt like winter had arrived, minus the snow.]

I managed to scope out a jogging route amid trees on a windy Sunday, but had to admit that my left heel wasn’t enjoying life as much as it should. I therefore focused more on weight lifting, but then managed to strain my lower back during an “ego-lift” (defined as: “It’s when you lift weights that are too heavy for you, without proper form or technique. It’s about prioritizing your ego over your physical health and strength-building goals.”) Oh well: you live, you learn.

At one point I just barely remembered there was an ongoing partial solar eclipse, but I think I still managed to sort-of score cool-points with the kids. I took Emma mattress-shopping, and a new fireplace arrived for the summer house (Finnur’s project). Due to “the fireplace-guy” being swamped this summer, the fireplace was only just installed a couple of days ago (22 August 2024).

Finally, I went in for a very informal job interview (result: no job for me), and prepped for a confirmation photoshoot. I guess it was a pretty busy week?!

Sunday 07 April 2024

Jogging path, stuck between winter and spring.
Nice paths, just a tad windy.
My jogging partner in crime. She would eventually join a proper jogging group, as my extremities were too unreliable.
We took a slightly wrong turn, and ended up in a work-shed area.
I keep promising to really get to know this area, but I’m still mostly a stranger.
Heiðmörk contains lots of beautiful spots though.
Fast-food for dinner, sushi style.

Monday 08 April 2024

Bjarki requested “a steak” for dinner, so I had to oblige. There were plastic bags inside the Styrofoam-plastic wrapped trays!?!
Finnur was taking care of stuff at the summer house, so had to tease him with this “gravy-free” steak dinner. He’s all about the gravy!
There was a partial solar eclipse, that I was totally unprepared for, and almost missed. Yet again I discovered that I didn’t have any sun-proof glasses, so I attempted to make a pin-hole camera (not very successfully…)
The clouds made the shape of the sun extra-indistinct.
At some point I remembered the trick of using the black-end of old developed camera films… I found a couple, and they worked pretty well in conjunction.
Yup, a part of the sun was missing!
Emma taking a peek.
Emma showing the the results of her decorative work on these two wooden boxes. On one side there was a mirrored rainbow…
The other sides were night and day.

Tuesday 09 April 2024

That’s 130 kg on the bar, and I had a lot of nervous energy to burn through.
The 130 kg going up pretty smoothly. However, in reruns, I’m pulling too much up with my back, and not pushing enough with my feet.
I then wanted to equal my PR (personal record) of 140 kg, and I did, but at a cost… The back-pull/leg-push imbalance caused me to strain my lower back slightly. Bah-humbug!
Fittingly, that was also the same day where Finnur called me home to help unload a box with a whole iron-fireplace!! My poor back! We did manage to essentially back the trailer to the garage, and lever the box straight into it.
The fireplace guy taking measurements, as he needed to make some modifications.
A sizeable hood of iron!

Wednesday 10 April 2024

The patio couch was still in the living room, but the sun had begin shining directly in, instead of being hidden behind the hill and houses above us during winter. Yup, spring-time, and thus time to clean the windows!!
I went in for an informal job interview at Reykjavik University (hey, I’m about to be available, do you have an opening that would fit?). I sort of discovered afterwards that they had an academic opening for an industrial engineer, which I am not by a long shot, so they politely declined, at least for now.
It’s hard to beat the location of the school though.
It’s also a much fresher building than the University of Iceland buildings, which now give me PTSD-vibes. Thank you, brain.
Part of owning a summer house is showing up for the annual meeting of the summer house association. I’m including this photo just because the logo on the pulpit in the random gathering-room is…. unfortunate.

Thursday 11 April 2024

My brother is a much-loved trainer, and that morning he got yet-another moving-in-present from one of his clients (he’d already gotten one from me!).
Finnur had taken off on a work-trip, so dinner-duties fell to me. I tried to set the bar low in the beginning.

Friday 12 April 2024

It was time to fulfil my year-old promise to Emma for a wider mattress, as she’s now essentially adult-sized. She would be going from 80 cm to 120 cm width.
Getting her to try mattresses went ok… but she was much more interested in buying pretty yarn.
That evening (sun still pretty high up at 7 pm) I went to scope out the party-room where Finnur’s nephew’s confirmation party would be held the following day. I’d been asked to take photos of the newly-confirmed one, which is always fun!
Decorating in progress! After some mulling I decided on a corner to set up my photo-stuff the following day.