[Photos taken 01 – 08 April 2023, posted online 16 21 December 2023. The start of this blog post was written in a cafe in Dublin, Ireland!]
The confirmation season continued in full swing, as Easter vacation began. We attended two confirmation parties,
Saturday 01 April 2023
Three kiddos at a confirmation party in their dad’s family!
The big lure… the gifts! Or as one friend put it: The transfer of wealth between generations.
Before the party, I did a quick photo-session with the newly-confirmed one. I then roped my photoshop-wizard-brother into fixing a few, so for example, the horizontal tape holding the two blinds together was no longer visible.
Sunday 02 April 2023 (Pálmasunnudagur)
A view out back. Still not very spring-y.
On our way to the next confirmation party.
More food!! It was a very bloated weekend!
My table.
One table over.
The two newly confirmed ones.
Emma with her great-grandmother.
The three brothers, youngest-to-oldest.
Increased mayhem!
The five of us.
Over-lit while dreaming of Sweden!
My mom getting in on the photo-wall-action.
Emma sneaking.
Mom with her offspring.
Mom with her offspring-offsprings.
Monday 03 April 2023
Apparently I went out for a very wet walk? I must have been trying some GPS game!!?
Not sure what I was thinking…
A sheet tracking Emma’s practice progress on the piano for her spring-test. Stickers are motivating!
One of the upcoming test-pieces.
Tuesday 04 April 2023
Elevating plates (for the heels) to make squatting easier. I’ve put some effort into improving my squatting technique, but have a ways to go.
Never met chocolate named Gudrun before (it’s an Icelandic name).
Pine nuts, to be put in the freezer so they last nearly forever.
Wednesday 05 April 2023
This was the day that the car shop put three identical and one different tire under my car. Apparently the fourth tire of the lot was in sorry shape, and so, shrug. I had a wait a few weeks for a new tire delivery before I got four identical tires.
I’d decided I wanted to cozy-up our patio, with a couch. So I went looking.
Anna celebrated Easter leave by making bagels.
The lowest deck on our weirdly shaped patio. I was trying to figure out sizing.
Mmmmm… yum!
The garage got a bit of a spring cleaning, the junk got hauled to the recycling center, and we could yet again see the floor.
Finnur had gone to the summer house to do spring stuff there. I dug something out from the freezer for dinner.
The birds thought the bird-food I’d bought was trash, and basically just shoveled it onto the ground!
Thursday 06 April 2023 (Skírdagur)
The couch-search continued, and I discovered I was probably a bit ahead of the curve, as not a lot of stores had their summer-stuff yet.
Jogging around a nearby lake.
I was not alone. It was actually homework for Bjarki, to go two circles around the lake, for a total of 5 km. I beat him on the first circle, but for the second one he decided to sprint to get ahead, then walk until I caught up, and then sprint again, so he won.
We discovered that the back of my car barely fits three people. Anna wanted to drive (or she gets car-sick) and Adda also needs to be in the front. The rest of us were veeery friendly in the back!
Pretty mountain en route to the summer house.
Friday 07 April 2023 (Good Friday/Föstudagurinn langi)
I’m not sure how this is the only photo from that day, but it is. I’m guessing it was to document then insane placement of the plate?! Other than that, cheers for skinny dish-washing-machines in tiny kitchens!
Saturday 08 April 2023
For the first time in a long time, all the offspring had joined!
Hooked on screens like the rest of us.
Spring hadn’t really sprung yet.
Cafe time!
Screens are the best!
A favorite view.
A rainbow while crossing the long bridge by Borgarnes.
We’d gotten UK Easter chocolate from dad, and a complicated algorithm was used to divide it up so everybody got what they most wanted!