[Photos taken 27 – 31 October 2022, posted online 02 July 2023. Seems like we’re about to get a whole week of no rain!]
Learning from last year’s fiasco of no-pumpkins-left-on-the-day-before-Halloween, I went out and got some a few days earlier. Finnur returned from the UK, Hannah Gadsby’s show finally happened, we went to the summer house with guests, and then had a lot of fun cutting designs into our pumpkins.
My upcoming new workplace sent a message asking for a profile photo, and I got to set up my work account a few days early and start poking around. I quite liked that.
Sadly, the Do. All. The. Things. mania petered out with a whimper, and I found myself returning a chunk of stuff back into the closet with the doors, having exhausted my decision muscle. But, some stuff got done, and I could finally cross it off my chronically ridiculously-long to-do list.
Thursday 27 October 2022
Four pumpkins being safely stored by the garage door, where it’s pretty chilly.
I actually cooked dinner! It’s such a rare occurrence that I decided to document it!
Friday 28 October 2022
Anna checking on her plants.
Anna posing in my place as I set up for a profile photo shoot.
We then swapped places, and there were quite a few photos taken, very similar to this one, just with varying amounts of squinting, head turning, escaped hair, and teeth.
That evening I found myself downtown to have a quick dinner, and then go see Hannah Gadsby‘s show. This is what downtown looks these days.
We visited a new food hall downtown, which reminded me of a nightclub from a tv show. I kept waiting for a DJ to appear with a thumping beat, along with writhing bodies, and strobe lights.
Partner in crime #1.
Substitute partner in crime #2, as the primary person had to cancel.
Being seasoned pros, we parked by the exit from the main auditorium at Háskólabíó. Unusually, the door was open.
So, this show was originally supposed to happen in January 2022, but was cancelled, ostensibly for covid reasons, but mostly because Hannah had slipped on some ice in Iceland, resulting in a badly broken ankle, and an extended stay at the 5 star hotel by the harbor.
Waiting for the show to start. We had a fantastic time, and went out into the dark evening still chuckling. (I’ve since seen the Netflix version of this show, and found the editing of it to be weird, it flowed much better in real life. Oh well.)
Saturday 29 October 2022
At one of the local libraries shortly after noon.
This one is hip and cool, and routinely tries new things, like this area for older kids.
Cool corner structure.
Anna drove me and Bjarki up to the summer house. As usual, Finnur and Emma had driven up the evening before.
A laden arrival.
Found Emma!
Guests on the sofa, and Finnur replacing the cushion in the chairs we inherited with the house. They are sadly of the “look cool, kill your back”-variety, and we are not great friends.
These two get along really well.
Cool clouds are cool.
An hour later, at 5:30 pm, the clouds were still cool, but had changed colors.
Sunday 30 October 2022
A crowded brunch-house.
Deep concentration.
Our guests about to take off.
Obligatory sibling photo, with Anna on her toes!
Bjarki growing fast.
Usual stop to take a photo of Englendingavík and visit the cozy café on the way home.
A little bit of snow on the town’s mountain.
We found a place to sit down.
All the dolls.
Enjoying the view.
Before dinner, the dining table was turned into a pumpkin-art table.
Anna doing something complicated.
I like keeping things simple!
Emma with her creation.
Kiddos played along for a photo. 😮😮😮
Finnur putting the finishing touches on his pumpkin after dinner.
Sooo complicated!
Finnur’s pumpkin!
Halloween – Monday 31 October 2022
Last day of jobless-gymming.
Pumpkins got placed outside.
A lovely welcome ready for trick-or-treaters.
I even wore a matching top!
Emma trying to evade my camera, as she went trick or treating…
Spooky pumpkin is spooky.
And thus end-eth October, and my jobless existence.