Do. All. The. Things. Part 3

2022-10-21Hrefna's family, Us Standard

[Photos taken 15 – 21 October 2022, posted online 24 June 2023. Perpetual clouds covering our area these days. Thankfully it’s fairly warm out.]

By the third week of my in-between-jobs month, I began to run out of Do. All. The. Things. steam.

We did manage to invite my immedate family up to the summer house for an overnight stay, and had a nice time. Getting back to town took longer than anticipated, but all went well.

I kept up failing at interior designing, went on an evening hike, started working my way through our very out-of-date CD pile (not to mention the floppy disks!), windows got cleaned, gym was visited, and Anna occasionally got a little help with her university homework.

Saturday 15 October 2022

En route to the summer house. The wind was blowing water off the top of the ocean.
Earlier that day, the wind had grabbed the door of the cafe that I frequent, and crashed it into a flowerpot outside, breaking the glass. I don’t think employee handbooks cover such things.
The much discussed hospital building finally emerging from the ground.
Anna likes to drive when we’re going a long ways. Mom in the other front seat.
A crowded house!
It was darn cold outside, but the kids gave the trampoline a go.
Turkey for dinner, yum!

Sunday 16 October 2022

3C is 37 F…
… but outside they went.
Snow visible up high, as one car takes off.
I finally replaced this broken socket.
We stopped in Borgarnes on the way back, mom had never visited the cozy cafe.
Waiting for our food.
Rather fruitlessly attempting to copy the painting above of one of the owners. I don’t have enough control over my facial muscles!
The weather was pretty, but still windy. The road on the other side of the tunnel to town was closed due to extreme wind-gusts (and-or a bad accident?), so we ended up hanging out at the cafe for longer than we anticipated.
When the weather forecase began indcating the wind perhaps starting to die down, we set out again. This location is always pretty.
Adding some electrical juice to account for extra headwinds, potentially driving around Mount Esja, and having to drive to the west side of town and back.
Looking to where the road remained closed, on the right side of Mount Esja. Maybe there was an accident there also, I can’t remember.
Heading into the tunnel under the mouth of the fjord.
The road on the other side remained closed, so we decided to drive the other way around Mount Esja (it is veeeeery wide)…
I think that if we’d waited for the road to open, we’d have arrived at exactly the same time, but at least we got a scenic drive out of the day!

Monday 17 October 2022

Enjoying the pretty weather.
This area has seen a nice revival in the last few years, and now they’re asking what more people would like to see.
First time I’ve gotten cream on the side for a mocha!
The search for compfortable yet sturdy kitchen chairs continued, I really liked sitting in this one, but the metallic legs weren’t my favorite. I really want legs that have supporting bars half way up the legs, where I can rest my own legs (while sitting in another chair), but those are not in fashion right now.

Wednesday 19 October 2022

The day began with coffee and fresh scones with clotted cream at a cafe in downtown Hafnarfjörður, while my car was being throughly cleaned nearby. The seats had been chronically muddy after all the muddy-pants riding in it the summer before.
That evening my hiking group met for a hike along Sköflungur.
The strava track.
Headlamp, check! Daylight would not last for much longer.
Fun fact: All pylons like these have unique id codes on them, so if you’re lost and find one, you can give your location.
Like so.
Sköflungur literally means “shin”, and it’s a ridge that protrudes from the surrounding area.
The darkness below.
Watch where you put your feet!
Suddenly in a desert?
The local plant life.
Dinner while looking into the abyss.
Walking in the dark is surprisingly enjoyable.
We walked back to the cars in the grassy field along the ridge. This is a hike I’d like to redo in daylight.

Thursday 20 October 2022

To-do list: Cleaning our bedroom windows, they get super muddy and salty sometimes after high winds. We have a magnetic gadget which works ok, but I want to buy another one that is a different shape as it’s really hard to get corners well with that square one.
To-do list: Going through the mountain of CDs we have. This lovely 22 year old copy of Microsoft Money 2000 went into the recycling pile. This to-do item ended up draining me dry, and I never quite finished.

Friday 21 October 2022

Looks like I was tired that day.
Waiting at a nearby cafe for Bjarki to finish his music theory class. One of my brothers worked in that building at the time, so this was me waving.
Weirdly, almost all of Anna’s university homeworks were due on or around the weekend.