[Photos taken 10 – 14 October 2023, posted online 17 June 2023. This day marks 29 years of togetherness with Finnur!]
The month between having jobs had me itching to Do. All. The. Things. that typically are easy to not-do due to one thing or the other.
This week included lunch with mom, summoning electricians, getting a piano-tuner, and attempts at interior decorating, in between the usual shuttling of children, and hanging out at cafes to recharge mental batteries… and plan.
Monday 10 October 2022
Having lunch with mom! We tried the cafe Hygge, and it was indeed quite hygge.
Somewhat artfully arranged temptations.
Trying on glasses as mom picked something up, perhaps should have just bought those? My current glasses are terribly ugly.
Prepping for the next day, I’d found an electrician willing to tackle a ton of small jobs, exciting! Less exciting was our laundry machine beginning to fail.
Tuesday 11 October 2022
The electricians showed up on time, I gave them a tour, and as they got to work upstairs, we got to work clearing out cupboards so they could replace the kitchen under-side light-fixtures (this is post-fix). Yay, I could see what I was doing again! (Finnur thought it was a wee bit too much bright light, sigh.)
As a reminder, when one part of the house looks tidy, this is the other view…
… along with this. The blue box contained the vast majority of our spices. I ended up going through them, and tossing a good chunk out. I think the oldest thing I found was close to 20 years old, and many things (including cake mixes!) had followed us all the way from the US in 2010.
We had to empty an overflowing bookcase (with doors) to move it, so this pile appeared on the floor. The doors usually hide a pile of stuff that I generally don’t have mental energy to deal with, like photos, cards, old CDs and the like. (Finnur is a natural hoarder, he has no inclination to go through old things to toss half of it out, whereas all this stuff lives in my brain, and clogs it up, so I need to get rid of some of it!)
Meanwhile, outside, it was pouring with rain, and a sizeable puddle had formed.
Found the culprits, lots of dead leaves blocking the drains.
So satisfying!!
I’m not sure that the next owners of the house will love this solution, but we needed an electrical outlet for the piano, and this works, for us. And so, after a whole day’s work, the electricians had completed everything I’d asked them to do (minus one high elevation job that we deemed ill advised). They ended up also replacing the randomly-functional halogen lamps in the upper bathroom with led lights, getting a wired internet connection up to the second floor (instead of a cable snaking up the stairs), and switching out tv antenna outlets for electrical outlets.
Wednesday 12 October 2022
Another to-do item: Get the piano tuned. The cabinet was still empty, its innards on the floor. Yay.
I decided to use my awesome white spackle to shrink the hole around the new cable.
Out and about, look, blue skies!
Thursday 13 October 2022
Bjarki fresh from physio, about to get some café goods. Couldn’t resist taking another blue-sky photo.
Went looking for more notebooks, as my anxiety had been lowered considerably by writing stuff down.
Friday 14 October 2022
On the hunt for storage boxes…
… and a chair or two for the living room… (not these)
… and perhaps side tables…. (nope)
… or wall shelves…?!?! (Nah)
Anna was still under orders to do ankle exercises in the swimming pool, so to the pool we went post-dinner.