[Photos taken 16 – 20 May 2022, posted online 04 December 2022. I seem to have really fallen off the blog-train, keep wondering if it’s time to just lock the page…?]
The week kept up seemingly non-stop May action. I kept biking to work, as the weather kept being awesome. On the Monday I biked 24 km with the e-biking group in my “backyard”, Tuesday saw me couch-shopping, Wednesday was a mountain-hike, Thursday was dinner-and-a-comedy-show, and by Friday I realized I was horribly sleep-deprived. What else is new? (50-ish images total)
Monday 16 May 2022
Biking home from work I rode past a pack of lawn-mowers, that seemed to be practicing for the upcoming season?!
That count’s as very warm in Iceland (17 C is 63 F)
At 6pm the e-biking group set out again, this time on the other side of the hill our house sits on. I have walked this path many times.
Not-quite-teenager trees on our way, as we departed from my usual walkabout route.
We rode through Guðmundarlundur, which is an outdoor area that I’ve completely missed using, even though it’s in our “backyard”.
Our road ahead. Good stuff!
In Heiðmörk, by some of the oldest tree-plantings in the area.
A quick refueling stop in the toasty warmth!
After zooming along nicely packed grassy fields (so. much. fun!) the path became more tricky.
Spring in the air. At least the road wasn’t sopping wet.
By the crack by Búrfellsgjá, yet again. I had hiked there with the hiking group not so long ago. Biking the path was a lot speedier!
Still some snow down there.
Next we stopped close to the old sheep-sorting place.
One of the guides stayed back to watch the bikes, and we walked a little ways to look at the old structures.
An old gate.
A natural shelter.
Heading back to the bikes.
Looking back to where we came from.
The path to town was really nice to bike on.
Emerging on to a parking lot, and pavement.
One of the guide-bikes was acting up, but was fixable.
Back at Vífilsstaðarvatn.
Our route, some 24 km total.
Tuesday 17 May 2022
Biking to work. Such nice views!
At home, the daffodils had finally bloomed.
I finally found a couch that I liked for the living room!
Wednesday 18 May 2022
Biked to work again, the lupines were sprouting.
The hiking group met to climb Eyrarfjall, the solo mount that I had biked around just the prior week!
The hike began with a pretty steep climb up a road.
Catching our collective breaths.
This mountain has a “cracked” top. The actual peak was shrouded in clouds (up ahead), so the group was given a choice, walk up to the clouded peak in the distance, or take a more relaxed hike up on the non-cloudy peak on the side we were on. I opted for the easy one.
Agnes up high.
Nice views!
Pretty flowers somehow surviving.
Dinner at altitude.
Approaching the localized peak.
More strange plant life.
Weird looking stone. The real peak still shrouded in clouds.
By the time we clambered down off of our peak, the clouds had cleared from the real peak, but the other half of our group had already peaked and descended by that time, so they missed the grand view.
The speedy people making their way towards us sluggards.
No stumbling!
I’m always a slow descender.
A weird house on the hillside.
Finally, down on level ground. Kinda weird to think that we were actually up there!
I forgot to turn Strava on, so this is Agnes’ track. The areal photo is of the whole mount Eyrarfjall.
Thursday 19 May 2022
Had to stop and take a photo as I biked to work.
At the foodhall in Grandi (west end of town) to eat dinner before going to a comedy show, which I had unexpectedly scored two great tickets to.
The show was Sarah Millican‘s Bobby Dazzler! Guðrún and I had a great time!!
Friday 20 May 2022
The world greening up on my way back from work!
Looks like I wasn’t really getting a whole lot of sleep… ugh.