[Photos taken 12 – 14 February 2022, posted online 10 July 2022. Sitting in rainy Borgarnes, on my way home after some house #2 time. Trying to get over feeling like a parental failure.]
Emma’s last single-digit birthday was super-legit, with a party and everything. Mindful of covid, we first had a party with just Finnur’s family, and then had some health-hiccups before we could get to mine.
The day after I went and bought cross-country skis for myself. It’s a thing middle-aged women do apparently. I even went out for a bit!
Snow kept falling in copious amounts, and Anna made bagels while on a school-break. (30-ish images total)
Saturday 12 February 2022
Anna made a cake for Emma, decorations and all!
Emma, now nine years old!
With her presents from all of us.
The audience.
The ever mutating rainbow painting.
The kids with their paternal grandparents.
Finnur’s oldest sister joined the fun.
Emma happy with more presents.
A crowded living room.
The super lazy kind of party food… but it works!
I was there!
Obligatory cake-blowing in progress!
A happy kid at the end of the day. 🙂
Sunday 13 February 2022
After an avalanche of social media posts from people on cross-country skis, I caved in and bought a set for me. I also got pants and some shades that came in very handy while biking later in spring.
I saw a post that a track had been made on the golf course on the other side of the hill, so I went there, and it was lovely.
The weather was… interesting.
I was reminded that a stream or two run through the course. You can see bridges here and there…
It was snowing a lot, so I soon lost the track, ended up higher than I wanted, but somehow muddled my way down the hill, and along it, hoping that I wouldn’t end up falling into a stream.
At long last, after traversing a lot of powdery snow, I found the track again, and a proper bridge.
Back by the starting point, as it was beginning to get dark close to 6 pm. It was an adventure! Sadly, I didn’t use the skis again that season, but am hoping I have the presence of mind to sign up for a cross-country course of some kind.
Monday 14 February 2022
More snow!!!!?! The view outside at 7:30 am.
Like, seriously!?! At least the big car had no trouble navigating the snow, so the kids got to school on time.
Birds coming in for their food.
The snow-clearers were getting a lot better about coming to our street fairly early, as I think the entire street was calling the township or something. It looked like our street was a snow magnet!
Steady customers! (Yes, I was working from home.)
Anna was between school-semesters (quarters), so she set about baking.
Did you know that bagels need to be boiled in a special mixture before baking? Well, now you do!
Scrumptious! She then cut them up, and put them in the freezer. So good!