[Photos taken 08 – 17 December 2021, posted online 23 April 2022. Our first family trip abroad in three years has come and gone! Copenhagen was niiiice!]
December is always busy, busy, busy. Covid-19 reared it’s annoying head again, so we worked from home a bit, but then I got fed up with that and returned to the office for a bit. Schools remained open.
The days passed doing work, feeding the birds, hosting a sewing club, going on a Christmas forest-adventure, and running Christmas related errands. (40-ish images total)
Wednesday 08 December 2021
According to my December photos, my December purpose in life was feeding the backyard birds.
Christmas decorations had been pulled out, and I resorted to tea-drinking and chocolate eating to keep brain functional for work. Yes, the (pre-invasion!) Russian Santa that Finnur bought on his travels is hiding a hand-sanitizer from early covid.
Thursday 09 December 2021
Winter was in full swing, this was taken at 9 am where I gave up on the tea, and went to the coffee shop to start the work day.
I came down with something, so I went in for a free rapid test. Was negative, but missed that evening’s organized hiking event.
This location had a tendency to either be totally full or very empty. This time the line was out the door, and it was seriously difficult to maintain a 2 m distance indoors.
2 pm food party.
Friday 10 December 2021
I went to the pet store to stock up on bird food, and contemplated if I should attempt to build a proper birdhouse or two…
Switching between the home and actual office had wrecked my posture and my back was a mess. Back to physical therapy! When I returned to the proper office I tried to emulate my home office (and the kid sized desk) by having the monitor In. My. Face. so as to avoid my head dropping forward.
Emma watching the birds eat.
Emma got invited to an actual (small) birthday party! Dress time!
Emma has the foresight to order braided hair in time for fancy events, because she likes her hair curled.
Saturday 11 December 2021
Being creative, and unable to host a regular yule-ball for the kids, my work invited families to sign up for a Christmas-tale in the forest! We showed up at 6 pm, and were told where to start our journey.
Glad to be a proud owner of multiple headlamps.
The event was put on by a local theater troupe that has been doing spin offs of popular fairy tales for years. We followed various types of signs to arrive at a location where one actor would do a skit, and then be sent onwards.
There are small spots in Iceland with actually quite tall trees!
Our first stop was with the littlest Santa, Stúfur. He gave us some things to give to his other family members.
Santa’s mom, Grýla, had a fearsome nose!
Random sibling had a lovely light show.
Santa’s dad, Leppalúði, doing a dance!
Some 40 minutes after entering we exited through this lighted tunnel, with grins on our faces.
Photo op with the guiding Santa, who told us we could get hot chocolate and ginger snaps in the red wagon.
Mmmm, sugar!
Sunday 12 December 2021
I was responsible for dinner, and finally remembered to go out and pick some of the carrots from the box outside. They were still good!
The washed haul.
Monday 13 December 2021
Annual gift card from work for Christmas. Time to go shopping!
Back in the gym… looks like 1 km at a decent speed.
Tuesday 14 December 2021
Unexpected! A certain cut of chicken was unavailable due to a shortage from the supplier.
Work distributed boxes with decorations, but certain areas hoarded all of them, and my little first floor area didn’t get any. So we improvised.
Wednesday 15 December 2021
I remember I had some Christmas decorations in my cubby at work, and added to the festivities!
I decided to host a sewing club, and got Anna to make some filled dough-horns for us.
Are you drooling yet?
Not too shabby! Expecting guests!!
Table close-up.
Sewing club leftovers made me quite popular with the kiddos.
Thursday 16 December 2021
Finnur being a funny guy with Emma’s “write five words” assignment. (“Help! My parents are forcing me to read!!”)
December is always utterly overwhelming. This year, as I approached the annual melt-down, I wrote down All. The. Things. and shared with Finnur. It did relieve a bit of pressure, just to not have to remember everything always, and made delegating a bit easier.