Horse Camp Photo Essay and Daycare Closes Early
[Photos taken on Friday 07 July 2017, posted online on 23 October 2017. Finnur’s in the UK.]
I asked Anna to send me snaps of her last day at horse camp, and she sent me a whole photo-essay!
This was also the day that Emma’s daycare closed down at 1 pm for a four (4!!) week long summer holiday. Not having much to do, we decided to go visit Finnur/daddy at his office, and hang out at the beach by his workplace before fetching the big kids from camp.
The day ended with Bjarki getting a haircut, and us packing for our trip to France the morning after. (40 images total)

Anna snapchatted her day to me. It began with “This is what I’ve been doing for the past four weeks.”

“The horses go eat lunch, and fetched again at 1. Repeat combing, saddling, etc and go out on a ride, or go play games, ride bareback, or watch a movie.”

Daddy was too busy with his last day of work to join us at Nauthóll, the restaurant by his office.
Thus our summer vacation officially began!