The Sofa Project
[Ongoing in December 2015, posted on 25 January 2016. After dark!]
This post chronicles a little project I began in December to fasten two sofa pieces together, that kept falling apart. (10 images total)
On 14 December, I posted the following on Facebook:
Went to the hardware store yesterday, with a specific idea in mind that I wanted to implement. Asked a young guy if he had any hardware that might work, drawing up what I had in mind, since he was having a hard time grasping what I was on about. Once we’d found two pieces that had a potential to work, and I’d demoed how I’d envisioned it working, he asked “Did you come up with this?”. I answered “Yes, I did. I’m an engineer.” He did a double take. “You’re an engineer?!”. I answered “Yes. Actually I’m an electrical engineer, but I’m still an engineer.” He looked a bit shocked. I may have broken his mind. #middleagedwomencanbeengineerstoo
The day after, I posted
So, I had questions regarding just what my hardware idea was. I’m sorry to say that it’s not very exciting, it’s just two pieces to fasten under two sofa pieces to hook them together. I’m sure it’s googlable in three seconds flat, but I didn’t do that. The nice thing was stumbling on a hinge and an L-bracket that hooked together very nicely. Also, huge kudos goes to the mechanics guy [at work] who agreed to help me out and dismantle the hinge, and smooth down the sharp L-bracket ends.
and the following photos:
Now, a few days later (20 December), Finnur and I attempted to install the hardware contraption to fasten the sofa pieces together:
Then Christmas hit, and there was no time. It wasn’t until Holla and Óli managed to drag us swimming on Saturday 26 December, and we invited them home afterwards, that the power tools came out again, and the project was finally finished!
I’m happy to report that the two sofa pieces have stayed happily together since we installed the hardware. Success!!