Emma’s First Day at Daycare
[Written 20 August 2014. Just barely.]
Emma has officially started attending daycare. Well, she’s started her ‘adjustment’ to daycare – and because we are pros and have done this before, Finnur was the one who took her.
(Yes, my maternal heart pretends to be all blue steel and “Pfffft, what’s the biggie?”, but I’m really a big old softie, and it takes almost nothing for the “Awwww…. my baaaaaaby!” to break to the surface… Which helps nobody during the adjustment period… And so I stay mostly away… Sigh.)
Anyway, Emma almost didn’t attend because she’s been covered in an ever-changing rash since Saturday morning. We weren’t sure if it had something to do with the MMR vaccination shot she got on Thursday (length 87 cm, weight 12.2 kg), as in whether it prompted some allergic reaction as it threw her immune system for a loop, or just made her more sensitive to what’s been bugging her on and off all summer, or if it was a chance viral infection that just happened to strike at the same time, so I felt a little bit bad about shipping her off to daycare.
Thankfully, as I put her down for her lunchtime nap yesterday, I discovered that she was essentially rash-free, so the daycare gave us a green light to show up the next day (today).
I’m told things went generally well, and that the teachers seem optimistic that she’ll take to daycare like a duck to water.
Of course, she also developed a cold yesterday, and was looking a little worse for wear this afternoon, so here’s hoping she shakes it off tonight so that she can attend tomorrow as well.
Good times!
(The rash is still coming and going. We’re unsure if it’s dietary, or remains of a washing liquid we tried out for a month this spring, and still lingers, or the MMR shot. I think she looked ok this afternoon, after some spots this morning.)