France Day 3: Thunderstorm
[Written 21 AUGUST 2014. In ten minutes (3 pm) I need to go pick Emma up from daycare, where she’s been solo since 10 am. My baaaaaaaaby!!!!]
The mobile internet thing kept not working, so we decided to try the cell phone store One. More. Time. Failing that, there was another cell phone store nearby that was our backup. (19 images total)
We ventured out before lunch, to the same shopping street as before, and ate lunch at yet another restaurant. Yes, I admit it, eating out is one of my favorite things to do when abroad, especially when in countries with good food! Yes, eating out was a wee bit stressful with Emma needing constant care and attention, but still… new food!!
Finnur took the kids home to nap, while I tried to sort out the mobile internet one more time. In the end, I bought a second card for my phone with a small internet allowance, and took our not-working MiFi gadget home… where Finnur discovered an available firmware update which fixed everything! Gaaaah! Hours and hours of pain for nothing!
We ate dinner at home, because one restaurant outing per day is plenty!