Peace and Quiet Never Bodes Well
Emma’s getting to explore more areas of the house now without constant adult supervision.
Sure, we keep an ear out for her, and close some doors so she doesn’t get herself into too much trouble. But, we’ve noticed that she’s getting pretty good about not eating everything in Bjarki’s room, so we sometimes let her roam in there for short periods of time while we’re in some other room.
Today, I meant to quickly go downstairs to fetch some milk in a cup for her nap, but ended up needing to wait 10 minutes for the dish washer to finish because we were out of sippy cups. Something on the computer caught my attention, and in my brain I heard “oh, I can hear Emma, she’s fine”. A few minutes passed, and then … all was quiet upstairs.
I quickly filled her cup of milk and headed upstairs to find… (2 images total)
Animated gif of the proceedings follows…