Emma Climbs
[Written 24 January 2014]
Emma’s not walking yet, although she’s started to occasionally let go while standing.
Walking doesn’t seem to be a huge priority for her though – she’s mostly trying to get to the places we’ve cordoned off, via pushing furniture around and climbing.
Oh, dear! (15 images total)
Thursday 16 January 2014
Friday 17 January 2014
Now, here’s a little gap for you squeamish folks.
Below is a photo of a tooth missing from a gum.
It’s just a red hole, where there should be a tooth.
You’ve been warned. 🙂
You see, Anna went to the orthodontist last December,
who took an x-ray of her entire mouth area,
and noticed there was a toothy traffic jam on the upper right side.
The proposed solution to the traffic jam was to
extract a baby tooth to make way for one of the adult teeth
to come down instead of being in the way of other adult teeth.
So, to the dentist we went. (Well, Finnur took her.)
And after three shots of local anesthesia
(Anna seems to share my mouth-vein anatomy,
where nothing is where it should be!)
she was finally fully numbed,
and the dentist gently nudged the tooth out.
Anna’s verdict was that it was not as bad as she thought it was going to be.
And she got ice cream.
Which really fixes everything.
But so, yeah.
I took a photo of the gap.
Which is here: