New Year’s Eve 2013
The last day of 2013 started out chillin’! (44 images total, 1 video link)

Once darkness fell, we put on our fancy clothes, and made our way to a party! Our hosts were Herdís and Halli (not pictured here). Herdís is the daughter of Tómas (they’re the ones wearing the aprons), who is Finnur’s uncle (Þórarinn’s brother). The two brothers (Þórarinn and Tómas) usually alternate hosting the new year’s eve party, but this year Tómas’ wife was nursing a broken elbow so their daughter stepped in as hostess.

Couch-girls. Emma was on her best behavior, until it was time to go to sleep that is. I optimistically put her in her travel cot and left her to ‘go to sleep on her own’, except she (not surprisingly) totally freaked out, and ended up vomiting. I guess she was a little too full for such an exercise. Oops!

Anna trying to get Bjarki to Put. It. Down! He had trouble listening that night. He may have been a tad bit excited…

Shortly before 9 pm, I packed the older kids in the car and drove a few minutes to attend the bonfire in neighboring Garðabær. We parked a ways away from it, and had to begin our hike by sliding on our butts down this icy slope! Thank goodness for solid, slightly plastic-y pants!

After stumbling through a large snowy field of tufty grass (thank goodness for hiking shoes!!) we finally made our way to the bonfire.

The upside to arriving from that direction was being upwind from the bonfire itself. We also had a good view over a part of Garðabær, as well as neighboring Kópavogur where…

… the local rescue squad started the annual dual-firework show. Kópavogur and Garðabær are two adjacent towns (think tiny versions of Mountain View and Palo Alto) and they try to out-do each other every year.

Standing pretty darn close to a big fire. The main crowd was located on the other side, where the proper access road is.

Back at the party, it was time for homemade ice cream and the most ridiculously addictive chocolate ice cream sauce I’ve had in recent memory.

At 10:30 pm it was time for the hour-long retrospective annual comedy show, which was actually funny this year!

The show ended at 23:30 at which point everybody went outside to shoot up some fireworks, and look at the neighbors going crazy with their explosives. Thankfully the weather was peeeerfect!

It took a while but I finally managed to take a not-terrible long-exposure of Bjarki swinging a starlight.

All around us people went totally berserk shooting up stuff, but we were a tad low down to see it properly.

Four of us at nine minutes past midnight. Emma was sleeping inside (a kind guest managed to lull her to sleep while I was at the bonfire), but she woke up shortly after midnight.

And with that, it was time to head home! The kids were in bed shortly past 1 am, and Emma slept all the way to 07:20 the next morning. Yay!?
A collection of short videos from the night.