Christmas Day, aka Anna Turns 10 Years Old!
[Written 8 January 2014. This is the last of the yuletide-catch-up posts! Yay!]
This Christmas Day, our not-so-little-at-all-anymore Anna turned 10 years old. (40 images total)

Emma safely on the non-tree side. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the decorated tree. In the beginning she seemed to think the decorations and the tree were all one whole, but then I moved an ornament she was dangling at, so out went that theory. Towards the end of the yuletide (6 Jan) she got braver and started pulling at the strings of lights and garlands. But all in all, having a tree went pretty well!

Anna opening her birthday presents from us. Bjarki was rather miffed that he wasn’t getting presents too.

Bjarki’s sulking didn’t last long though. ‘He’ gave Anna a big jigsaw puzzle featuring a cool dragon, which made both of them happy.

Anna hugging Emma for her Artemis Fowl book (the 8th book in English, because it hasn’t been translated yet).

We also caved to the marketing gods at Lego and gave Anna a horse ranch from the often dreadfully stereotypical Friends line.

While we waited until it was time to leave for the annual family gathering at Finnur’s parents’ place, the kids tried out some bath-salt balls they got for Christmas.

We didn’t quite know they were bath-salt balls (the packaging was all in Japanese!), but once we’d removed the plastic covering, the balls quickly dissolved, leaving behind one small plastic toy each!

Inga trounced Finnur in the ugly sweater department (Inga and Finnur both showed up with kids matching their sweaters).

The marvels of modern technology meant that we could video-chat with Eyrún’s older daughter (she’s on the far right), who was in Paris!

The kids horsing around in the office. It’s hard to believe, but Finnur and I lived in that room for a year, when the walls were covered with the most crazy red-yellow-orange wallpaper I’ve ever seen. But we survived. Mostly.