Ice Skating
[Written 13 November 2013]
Finnur didn’t actually take any time off for our little trip. Instead, he boarded a train every workday morning, rode an hour to London, and worked out of one of the Google offices in London.
Meanwhile, the rest of us did various things, such as visiting the local ice skating rink (9 images total, only 2 from ice rink).

Siblings on skates. Anna did really well, and zoomed right off, while Bjarki was unhappy until we rented him a guide-penguin. Then he got a lot happier.

Dad and Shirley then took the big kids to Toy’s R Us to let them pick their Christmas presents. Emma examined some firewood while they were gone.
![I naively thought this was Emma]s first time in a swing, but no, Anna's taken her swinging before in Iceland apparently on some of their walks.](
I naively thought this was Emma]s first time in a swing, but no, Anna’s taken her swinging before in Iceland apparently on some of their walks. I don’t think they have these kinds of bucket swings here in Iceland though, so this may be her first solo-swinging! She loved it by the way. 🙂