Google’s London Victoria Office, Regent’s Park, London Zoo
[Written 13 November 2013. There are always a post or two from trips that are so big that I refrain from writing them. This is one of them.]
Anna injured her heel in the beginning of October, and the big carrot I dangled in front of her to keep her off her feet so she’d get better, was promising her a trip to the zoo (which she’d need to be able to walk around).
So, around 10 am on a Wednesday morning, two hours after Finnur had already left for work, dad drove the rest of us to the train station in two trips, to board a train to London. (60 images total.)

We walked across a road and entered the building Google is housed in. We had to check in at the ground level, no pictures allowed.

Finnur showed us around the office, which is on three floors. We were very impressed with the selection of milk.

The middle of one of the floors houses an indoor garden. That white thing at the top is the skylight.

We left Google so that Finnur could get back to work, and took the tube to Regent’s Park.

To get to the London Zoo, we had to walk all through the park. It’s not a small park.

Girls laughing after the tiny monkey on the left suddenly tried to grab the food they foolishly entered their area with.

We just caught the penguin feeding. This is just before the pool got overrun with sea-gulls, looking for easy food.

The last exhibit we looked at was the butterfly house. Of course it was so hot and humid that my lens completely fogged up, so I hardly got any good pictures of the awesome butterflies they had flapping around everywhere.