Húsafell Departure
[Written 9 August 2013]
We needed to leave our lovely Húsafell abode by 12 noon on the Friday, after a whole week of loveliness. The adults therefore got up early, and started packing and cleaning, while the kids were told to go play on the jumping mat. I was rather comatose after a few too many nights of interrupted sleep, so I managed to pack our stuff, and mind Emma, but that was about it. Oh, and take a few pictures.

Anna on the lower bunkbed. Three kids slept on the bunkbed, while one kid slept on a mattress on the floor.

I took Emma on a drive around the Húsafell area to lull her to sleep. I randomly drove past this airport wind flag… and yes…

I found the kids as they were heading back home from the jumping mat. Bjarki was unhappy about something, so I got them to go back to the mat and show me their tricks.

Anna doing a fancy trick on the jumping mat. It’s basically a large dug-down plastic sheet that’s continually being filled with air.

Anna doing a flip.

Bjarki doing a somersault.

The kids being cute.

The rather empty swimming pool (or rather, the local communal hot tub collection) next to the jumping mat.
And that was the end of that lovely week in the country. 🙂