Four Months Old!
Time has started slowing down a wee bit – it seems like it’s been a while since Emma turned three months old, whereas the first three months passed by in a hazy speedy blur.
But yes, she’s four months old today, and getting stronger by the day!
But yes. Finnur’s been gone for five dinners now, and we’re still standing – everyone’s fed and clothed at least. There are thirteen Finnur-less dinners to go before Finnur’s reappearance, so there’s a way to go yet. (Thank goodness Bjarki’s still in daycare!)
With Anna starting an afternoon horse-riding course and various other things needing to get done, this week has so far been a bit insane. I’ve spent a lot of time in the car and hardly any time napping. Which is starting to take its toll. So here’s hoping for a relaxing day or two before the long weekend hits.