The Kids
[Written 4 May 2013]
It’s May all of a sudden, and I’m still writing dates like it’s March. Maybe next year I’ll have a functioning brain again…?
Anyway, I owe myself a few blog posts, mostly to do with the kids ‘competing’ these past couple of weeks, but so far I’ve been rather uninspired on the blogging front. The current cold + sore throat isn’t really helping, but I’m hoping those will pass soon.
I did pick up the camera + 50 mm lens yesterday though and took a few pictures of Emma on the infamous dark blue fleece blanket. I didn’t rig up any fancy lights, just used the light coming in through our bedroom window.
Then later in the day, I got a few pictures of the siblings all together, being terribly cute. Which makes up for them being rather annoying today. Maybe.
Here are some more pictures from the day: