New Numbers
The nurse just visited to weigh the littlest one and check how she’s doing. She weighed in at a whopping 4580 g (10 lbs 2 oz), up from 4060 g (9 lbs) a week ago, which prompted the nurse to remark that apparently my milk is all cream. Yeah, well, the littlest one has been very busy drinking, and not so much busy sleeping for long periods of time. All in all the nurse liked what she saw, and we’re to report to the health center in a week for a repeat weighing.
Meanwhile, the older kids have been in isolation from me and the littlest one over the weekend because they both started sporting spots (rashes) this past Friday. The spots were few and far in between, but still spots, probably of a viral nature. They’re mostly gone now, but they still stayed home today. Thankfully, they’ve played together really well for the past three days, and yes, almost finished going through our entire kid-DVD catalog.

A spot on Anna’s face. Neither kid had more than 10-20 spots total and never got a fever, so we’re a little baffled as to what this is/was, but we’re still dutifully waiting it out.
In other news I’m happy to report that as of yesterday, I can now walk around without the aid of a crutch for the first time in well over a month. I can even walk up and down stairs without support! I’m still walking slightly ‘crooked’ though, scooting my hip somewhat incorrectly when putting my weight on it, so all is not perfect yet, but it’s a huge improvement overall.
Now I just need to work on getting more sleep, preferably in longer stretches than 1-2 hours at a time. That’s getting old reeeeaaaally quickly.
p.s. On the naming situation: We have 6 months to give Ms. Bambino a formal name. As of today, she’s registered in ‘the system’ as “stúlka Finnsdóttir” or “girl Finnsdóttir”. We’ve tossed around a few ideas, but I’ve been unable to commit, mostly because all the ‘good’ names have already been claimed, or belong to some adult we know, and that’s always a mental challenge to work around.