This has been a very snow-light winter, at least on our corner of Iceland. So ‘winter’ apparently decided it needed to go out with a bang, and we had one-day-long snow-blizzard, which caused massive traffic problems and other snow-and-wind related incidences.
The big adventure of the day was Finnur taking Bjarki to the dentist early in the morning, not realizing just how crappy the driving conditions were. They made it to the dentist (only getting stuck once), but on the way back they ran into a right turn lane that was blocked with cars, so they had to keep going straight. They ended up spending about an hour or two at a gas station (thankfully with a Subway) while the traffic eased up a bit, and then got super lucky and made it home in one piece around lunchtime.
Lots of pictures from the day below.

The view out of our bedroom window that morning. The windows themselves looked like somebody had sprayed shaving foam on them…

As luck would have it, both Anna’s school and Bjarki’s daycare were having ‘staff days’ so they were both home. Anna used the opportunity and went out to play with the boys from next door. This is them coming in for a bit.

Seeing how cold it was outside,, and the snow was blowing everywhere, I dug out the snow-goggles, which were a big hit. 🙂