Shaggy-haired Bjarki. He got a haircut the following Monday. His hair has now transformed into ‘coarse’ red hair.
Finnur took the big kids out in the afternoon, and I hung out with Ms. Bambino in the living room for a change.
This was a ‘sleepy day’. She either tends to sleep the entire day, or be awake a lot, making my boobs all confused.
Toes! My toes, to be precise. 🙂
I love these open-ended Gap gowns. They belong to Inga and Anna got to use them too when she was little.
Another footy pic.
A smile reflex. She looks quite a bit like Bjarki here.
And, a hand.
Holla popped by in the evening bearing bags of clothes her 10 month old is no longer using. (And yes, I dearly regret not getting a haircut before Ms. Bambino was born!)