Still at the Hospital
We were given a small glimmer of hope yesterday that we’d get to go home later tonight, but apparently the docs want to play things very safe and continue giving Ms. Bambino antibiotics until at least tomorrow morning. Then they’ll reevaluate.
In a perfect world we would have heard about this much earlier today (and not at 7 pm) but it sounds like things have been insanely busy in the labor and delivery ward and the NICU today.
We appear to be about last in the ‘need attention’ queue, which is both great (she’s doing really well!) and frustrating… as in knowing this sooner would probably have spared me a mini-meltdown today (the 4th day hysterics?) when I started worrying that my blood pressure could be the reason we’d be stuck here one more night – thus insuring a high reading.
I did manage a better reading after my freak-out (I’m back on the second evil drug) so I’m told we’re good to go when she is. Apparently it can take 2-6 weeks to re-normalize the blood-pressure after it’s gone haywire like this.
But yeah, we’re still at the hospital, and I guess we can just be thankful that Finnur and I get to stay another night. I do dream about my own bed though… and not having someone take my blood pressure at 6 am… Sigh.
Here, have a few pics from today:
P.s. Yes, she has reddish hair, much like Anna did.